Volunteer Hours

Updated: 07/17/2024

Local Veterans Assistance Program (LVAP) Information

LVAP Registration Form

LVAP Monthly Report Form

LVAP Job Description and Definitions:

Chapter Service Officer - These are any hours worked by an official DAV Chapter Service Officer. Hours reported as CSO without a certification from the DAV National Service and Legislative HQ will not be credited. These hours should be reported whether the CSO is working in a paid, or non-paid position.

DAV Outreach - These are any hours dedicated to the furtherance of DAV's Mission and/or programs. Examples include: Seminars, Workshops, Training, VAVS Certification, Volunteer Driving Certification, Disaster Relief and thrift store activities. (Department and Chapter meetings that include a formalized seminar, workshop or training for DAV related programs may be reported as DAV Outreach. Meetings that do not include these sessions should not be reported.)

Department Service Officer - These are any hours worked by an official DAV Department Service Officer. Hours reported as DSO without a certification from the DAV National Service and Legislative HQ will not be credited. These hours should be reported whether the DSO is working in a paid, or nonĀ­ paid position.

Fundraising - These are any hours performed for DAV Fundraising events. This should include hours for event planning, as well as day of event activities. Examples include: Forget-Me-Not drives,
sweepstakes, Golden Corral events, local 5k events, etc.

Grassroots: Legislative - These are hours completed by a Benefits Protection Team Leader for the furtherance of DAV legislative efforts.

Homeless Stand Down - These are any hours completed for the planning and day of activities for a local Homeless Veterans Stand Down.

LVAP - Any hours completed for Department and/or Chapter initiatives that do not fit into a specific LVAP category.
Special Events - Any hours dedicated to a DAV or DAV Auxiliary event such as State Fairs, National Guard Mobilizations/Demobilizations, Memorial Day events, Veterans Day events etc. (Time spent in Department and Chapter meetings planning special events may be reported under Special Events.
Meeting times that is not dedicated to event planning should not be reported.)

Veteran Assistance - Any hours dedicated to the direct assistance of veterans, spouses and families. Examples include: Yard Work, Home Repairs, Grocery Shopping, Caregiver Respite, and Rides to medical appointments (using private vehicles).