Jan 2018 Meeting Summary

Chapter 5 Meeting After Action Keeping Our Members in the know!!!

 At our meeting on Saturday Jan 20th, we discussed several key topics. For those that attended and those unable to, this is a brief summary of the meeting. We want to keep our family in the know!!!!!
What we did/discussed this month:
  • We had approximately 80 members attending

    • This is the largest number of members to a meeting ever. Thank you

  • The chapter voted in transfer members and welcomed new members and several guests. Welcome and it is always great to see new members

  • Once again, our meeting ran a little long due to the guest speakers and lots of information to be covered

  • Chapter Service Officer (CSO)

    • We had 14 members sign up to take the certification course in Waco this March. That is awesome, and I know we all look forward to their dedication to veterans

    • Guido Libertiny is retiring from the CSO business

    • Jon Brown and I continue to help veterans on a consistent basis. I have been working with several veterans from out of state who contacted me via our Face Book page

    • The Wayland Baptist VA Claims Assistance Office is up and running.

      • Over the past 3 months we have assisted over 30 veterans

      • Always can use more CSO’s to help and members who would like to help with admin issues

    • I have been in contact with UTSA to establish another Claims Assistance Office on their main campus.

      • They are very excited about this venture and looking into what all will be needed to make it happen

  • Volunteers (LVAP):

    • It was discussed how important is it to report LVAP hours

    • Discussed some of the tasks that can be reported

    • The commander will send out an email with the LVAP Registration and monthly reporting forms

    • All monthly LVAP hours are to be sent to Kevin Crozier (davalamo5@att.net). He will compile a monthly chapter report

      • Auxiliary hours can be included into the chapter monthly report

    • Audie Murphy Hospital and Frank Tejeda are always looking for volunteers.

  • State Mid-Winter Training:

    • Chapters need to start using the national agenda as a guideline (our chapter has been doing this for years)

    • Making sure to include budget reports (some chapters don’t do this)

    • Free/trial members are being dropped from the national/state roster

    • Taking good meeting minutes and making sure the chapter votes on the past month’s minutes at the next meeting

    • New members orientation books. Duke and myself are working on creating one

    • The new members Obligation was discussed

    • A Commanders book with national, department and local chapter Constitution and By-Laws and Standing Orders

    • A program called Jericho was mention. I will do more research on this

    • I was active in the Registration booth and one of the chapter NSO’s gave a presentation to the Auxiliary

    • I, also, attended a couple of impromptu meetings. One was a preamble to the DAV5K event this year

  • Guest speakers

    • We had speaker from the Memorial Services Detachment (MSD) at Ft Sam Cemetery.

      • A motioned was entertained and passed to provide $500 to the MSD for uniforms, etc.

    • We had a speaker for the National Honor Flight

    • Vince spoke about Recruitment.

  • Membership:

    • Our chapter is still short of our recruitment goal

    • There is a convenient, fast, paperless mobile phone app to help members signup new members

    • I encourage all members to have their spouses join the Auxiliary

    • There are over 17,000 free/trial members in the state that will be dropped from the membership count in about 2 months

      • I will have the adjutant provide me a list of these trial members in our area

      • I will be asking for help to recruit these trial members into our chapter

  • Miscellaneous:

    • The DAV State Commander attended our Christmas meeting

      • He mentioned how our chapter was instrumental in helping the DAV5K event be the most successful first-time event in any of the established cities. Thank you too who promoted and volunteered

      • I did a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for the event

    •  The previous month’s meeting minutes now be voted into acceptance at the beginning of the next meeting

      • I will send out an electric version of the minutes (when the Adjutant provides them) and have copies at each meeting

    • I will create a phone committee to make calls to all members that do not have email

      • These calls be meeting/location reminders, event reminders, etc.

      • I am looking for someone to take on this commitment

    • Margarita Hernandez volunteered to help Duke Hendershot create a Spanish version sign informing monetary donors where their donations go. This will be used at all our upcoming fund raiser. Thank you, Margarita, for volunteering

    • Thank you to all chapter members that attended funerals or services

    • I will start printing the upcoming events and have them at each chapter meeting

    • Marie Scott asked for help building a ram in her garage. Several members inquired about her number and will look into it. Thank you so much for looking after one of our own

    • Al Owens provided the dates for our Bingo events at the Frank Tejeda Veterans Home in Floresville, TX

      • March 25, May 27th, Sept 23, and the Christmas Party will be Dec 2nd.

      • All events will be from 1430-1630 hours

    • The Blog: http://davalamo5.org/blog/

      • Is up and running

      • Feel free to leave comments

      • Check it out and leave any comments/ideas/updates, etc

    • Happy birthday to all January birthdays

      • Happy birthday to me Jan 25th LOL

  • Jim Davis is doing well and slowly getting better
  • Mike Uhl had several issues with himself and family members over the past few months. He mentioned most issues have cleared up. Glad to hear
  • Lula Emery (past DAVA Commander and our Commanders wife) is still slowly recovering from her surgeries. Some set backs but still recovering
  • Rafael Morales cousin (former Marine) past away. Several chapter members attended the service
  • Randy Bryant’s was laid to rest at Ft Sam Cemetery. I attended the service
  • Marie Scott is at Warm Springs Rehab. She is at 5101 Medical Dr, San Antonio, TX 78229 and would love to have visitors
  • Kenny Wise had cataract surgery and is doing well
  • Gary Adkins suffered from congestive heart failure and the flu and his wife, Carolyn (chapter member), caught the flu from him. A couple of Auxiliary members took soup over to them both. Carolyn Adkins would like to know who provided the soup, so she may thank them
  • If you know of any chapter member under the weather, please let one of our chaplains/officers know so we may visit and check on them
  • Please keep all our members and veterans in harm’s way in our prayers
  • WBU Claims Assistance Office:
    • Feb 1st
    • Wayland Baptist University main campus
    • 11550 Interstate 35 Frontage Rd, San Antonio, TX 78233
    • 1300-1700 hours
  • CLC Bingo:
    • Feb 3rd
    • Community Living Center (Audie Murphy Hospital)
    • 1430-1630 hours
  • UTSA Claims Assistance Office:
    • Feb 6th,
    • UTSA main campus
    • UTSA Multidisciplinary Studies Building
    • Peace Library, 1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249
    • Room 3.02 (Third Floor) (I will have to confirm the exact room number)
    • 1300-1700 hours
  • Military/Spouse Resume Workshop and Hiring Fair:
    • Feb 21st
    • Wayland Baptist University main campus
    • 11550 Interstate 35 Frontage Rd, San Antonio, TX 78233
    • 0900-1600 hours
    • Any assistance would be appreciated
  • Forget-Me-Not:
    • Feb 24th
    • Sam’s Club on Judson and I35N
    • 0900-1600
    • Volunteers are always appreciated, so any time you may give is great
  • Next meeting:
    • Feb 17thth, 2018
    • Rolling Oaks Baptist Church
    • 6401 Wenzel Rd, SATX 78233
    • 0930 hours for Coffee and donuts
    • Meeting at 1000 hours
We thank everyone who attended the Meeting on Saturday.  We hope this provides more information to those who were there.  For those who were not in attendance, it was a great meeting and good food.

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