VA Claims Information

Updated 01/02/2024

What are your options for review of a denied claim?

You have three options for review:
** Option 1: Higher-level Review

Your claim is reviewed by a more senior claims adjudicator and involves:
*A higher-level de novo review (new look) of the decision
*No submission of new evidence allowed
The possibility of overturning the decision based on:
* A difference of opinion
* A clear and unmistakable error
* The reviewer, who identifies or learns of a duty to assist error, can return the claim to the regional office for correction. You or your representative can request an informal phone call to identify specific issues.

** Option 2: A Supplemental Claim Lane

* You can submit or identify new and relevant evidence to support your claim.
* VA will provide assistance in developing the evidence.

**Option 3: Appeal Lane for Appeals to the Board

This option allows you to appeal directly to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.
You can choose between three options:
* Direct review: You have no new evidence and do not want a hearing.
* Evidence submission: You have new evidence, but do not want a hearing.
* Hearing: You have new evidence and want to testify before a Veterans Law Judge.